Contemporary Art

Contemporary Art

What is Contemporary Art?

The term contemporary art, in its most basic sense, means art produced ‘today’, namely painting, sculpture, photography, installation, performance, and video art. While it may seem simple, the details surrounding this definition are often a bit vague because people’s interpretations of “today” vary from person to person. Therefore, the exact starting point of this movement is still open to debate, but many art historians consider the late 1960s or early 1970s (the end of modern art or modernism) to be an accurate prediction.

Contemporary art movements and the concept of contemporary art emerged in the 20th century. The subject of art, which is based on religion and mythology, has evolved into the purpose of commenting on society or expressing oneself, along with contemporary art movements.

Differences Between Modern and Contemporary Art

Contemporary artists are more interested in what is happening today and how it relates to their personal lives. However, for modern artists, it is more important to break away from traditional styles and explore new ways of creating works of art.

Contemporary Art Movements

Contemporary art movements’ artists and their works have become increasingly popular with their blend of technology and imagination. Moreover, the radical changes they made in art, such as the use of plastic, stone, wood, wax, bee pollen, and rice, enabled them to make their movement known. Contemporary art has introduced technological advances that embrace mediums such as video and installation, as well as evolving practices in painting, sculpture, and photography. Now, if you wish, let’s take a look at contemporary art movements and their representatives.

Pop Art

It is a type of art that depicts a current reality, often using famous personalities and images. The main figure behind pop art is the British artist Andy Warhol. It is focused on depicting mass culture and presenting commercial products as accessible art.


In 1915, Russian painter Kazimir Malevich created a minimalist style featuring abstract geometric patterns and non-figurative paintings. However, minimalism, one of the contemporary art movements, became widespread in the 1960s.


In Impressionism, which has an important place among contemporary art movements, the understanding that not only the visible but also the impressions are important in painting is adopted. Claude Monet’s Impression, Sunrise, gave its name to this movement. In impressionism, emotions, thoughts, and senses are at the forefront.


In conceptual art, the idea behind a work of art is primary. Although conceptualism has its roots in the 21st century, this movement first emerged in the 1960s.

Contemporary Art in Digital

Contemporary art is constantly evolving, and more and more artists are taking advantage of new technologies to enhance their creativity. It’s based on the art of coding, which can create anything from abstract compositions to futuristic vector portraits. As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, some artists are using the technology to create surreal portraits that test the line between reality and imagination.

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