

What is an aura

An aura is an electromagnetic field. 

Everything is surrounded by such an electromagnetic field what has an atomic structure. We humans also have this energetic field which is egg shaped around everyones body. 

Each aura has a color which is deeply influenced by the chakra system. When a certain chakra is activated then this area might feel lighter, brighter and really like more aktive and full of energy and so it will be seen in the brightness and color of the aura too.

As we all know every substance is made of protons and neutrons which vibrate at a certain frequency. 

The atoms of an alive organism are more active and vibrant and because of that it is easier to see or feel the aura and energy of humans, animals or even plants. 

Auras are made of four layers. The physical layer which is the closest to our body then the emotional, the mental and at least the spiritual.

People sometimes might do not realize but we actually can feel the energy of the people around us. Especially the one of people who have a very strong and healhy aura because of a strong spiritual connection and presence. If a person has a weak aura the reason can be a trauma or some sort of stress, unhealthy lifestyle or overthinking and carrying around those problems without letting those feelings go through you and releasing them. So when you are not healthy physically, emotionally or mentally then your aura will also be affected. 

Every time you come in contact with another person either their energy field is affecting yours or your energy field is rubbing off on them. That is why it is so important to surround yourself with people who lift you up, let you feel good and just vibe together and inspire you.


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